094222534 hello@besoul.co.nz


If you died today, what is the one thing that you wished you had said to all the most important people in your life?

By putting some thought into what stories and moments of your life that you would like shared at your funeral – favourite jokes, poems, songs and any special moments shared that your family and friends may not even have realised were important to you – you will be able to say goodbye the way that you want to.

Because we believe that every memorial event should be a unique reflection of a person’s life, we don’t have templates or forms to fill in. We like to work alongside you to help you plan how you would like your friends and family to remember you after you have gone.


We have prepared some questions to help you start the thinking process and to remember some of the things that you might like to say or share. Feel free to download this document and use it to guide the memories that you would like to make sure are kept forever.


A Funeral Trust plan allows you to set money aside, in trust, for your final farewell or for that of a loved one.

Prepaying towards a funeral means when the time comes loved ones can gather together, support one another, and remember and celebrate a life, without the responsibility of making difficult choices in very emotional circumstances.

For more information visit The Funeral Trust website or contact us.

If you would like to go further and create plans for a personalised service, contact us and we will help you to create a more detailed service plan.

There is a range of options when pre-planning a funeral. At no point are you locked in to use the funeral service provider – once you have made plans, these plans and any pre-payment can be redirected to any funeral home in New Zealand.

besoul Funerals

At besoul we bring our passion to creating a memorial event that captures that essence of a person. Were they a gentle soul? Were they the life and soul of the party?

Phone 24/7: 09 422 2534

Email: hello@besoul.co.nz

12 Gumfield Drive, Warkworth

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